Sales company
312 Miyake, Tangocho, Kyotango-shi, Kyoto, Kyotango, 627-0212, Japan
contact address
TEL:+81 0772-75-0978
Commodity price
Based on the price displayed in each product.
For more information, please check the page of each product.
Necessary amount other than the product price
All orders are processed and shipped from Japan.
・Customs taxes, import duties, or any possible handling fees are not included in the total of your order.
・Depending on your country’s customs laws, you may be required to pay a tax before obtaining your package.
・TAMIYA RADEN neither requests nor receives this money and does not control the amount.
- For the US, customs taxes may be applied for orders over 800 USD.
- For China, the following taxes may be applied for orders over 5,000 Yuan.
70% Sales Tax
*NOTE: Tax rates are as of January 2023. The rates may change at any time. Please check your local tax laws.
- Gift wrapping450 yen
Payment method
- Shopify Payments [Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB]
Delivery method
In principle, after the order is confirmed, the stock product will be shipped within one week (3 business days).